The Locals/Bnei Hamakom

Hundreds of thousands have watched, shared, and commented in recent weeks on Givat Haviva’s Bnei Hamakom campaign, aimed at sparking a national conversation about the Nation-State Law. The campaign was conducted in partnership with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, in response to the passage of the law that grants constitutional status to the state's Jewish nature, while disregarding the parallel weight given to the state's democratic and egalitarian nature as emphasized in Israel's Declaration of Independence.

The campaign is a series of short clips, featuring representatives of Israel’s Arab citizens: a senior Druze economist who is a lieutenant colonel in the IDF, a deputy director of surgery rooms responsible for heart and lung transplants at Beilinson Hospital, an industrial and management engineer and entrepreneur who started the first Arab hi-tech company in Israel, and an actress who starred in "Fauda" and "Survivor VIP".Givat Haviva wanted to echo their sentiments, representing those shared by many Arab citizens of Israel, in order to inspire identification among Israel’s Jewish citizens.

We believe Arab citizens, over 20% of the population, are entitled to feel they are equal partners in Israeli society, and the law should therefore be amended to include a clause of equality or be abolished.

Link to the project website here